2024 - 2025年FAFSA

2024 - 2025年 FAFSA®表格是可用的. Federal Student Aid will have planned pauses for site maintenance and make technical updates as needed to provide you with a better experience. If your form is unavailable when you or your family members try to access it, please try again later. The 2024 - 2025年FAFSA expands eligibility for federal student aid with major changes and improvements as a result of the FAFSA简化法案
We urge you to submit the 2024 - 2025年FAFSA as soon as possible to maximize your aid eligibility. 一定要包括 申博太阳城学校代码:002621.  如果你希望获得新泽西州资助资格, 申博太阳城必须被列为你的第一选择.


Due to significant changes to the application and FAFSA processing systems, 学校将于1月31日开始接收FAFSA数据, 2024. We will start notifying students in February that we have received their FAFSA.


The 2024 - 2025年FAFSA offers a more streamlined application process and a better user experience for students and their families. 一些更改和常见问题如下:


2024-2025年FAFSA将于2023年12月31日发布. 申博太阳城将于2024年2月开始接受FAFSA.

Students who are planning to begin their classes in Fall 2024 should complete their FAFSA as soon as it becomes available in December 2023 and before February 15, 2024.


  • The new FAFSA is a more streamlined and shorter form and has 46 questions. Because this form is dynamic, some students will be presented with less than 46 questions.
  • 学生最多可以列出20所学院和大学. 之前,这个数字是10.
  • 目前,FAFSA只提供英语和西班牙语版本. 2024 - 2025年 application will be expanded to include the 11 most common languages.
  • “准备FAFSA表格” playlist to understand what information and documents you’ll need to fill out the FAFSA form.

The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is being replaced by the Student Aid Index (SAI). The SAI is a number that’s used to determine eligibility for need-based aid. 它是使用学生(和贡献者)的信息来计算的, (如果需要)在FAFSA表格上提供. 学生的SAI可以是负数,小到-1500. SAI is replacing EFC because the term EFC created some confusion in the past and SAI more accurately reflects student’s need-based eligibility.

Financial need = 出勤费用 (COA) – Student Aid Index (SAI) – Other Financial Assistance (OFA)

为 依赖学生, financial information will be required from the parent(s) who provided the most financial support to the student in the 12 months before filing the FAFSA. 以前, financial information was needed from the parent(s) the student had lived with the most in the last 12 months.

受抚养的学生和他们的父母都必须有自己的 FSA ID 完成FAFSA上各自的部分.

  • 在“邀请家长填写本FAFSA表格®”视图中, 学生将勾选“我的父母没有社会安全号码”框.
    • 学生将输入家长的地址.
  • 家长使用FSA ID登录, and the online FAFSA experience is exactly the same as for someone with an SSN with only one exception:
    • ITIN字段显示在“家长身份信息”视图中
  • “贡献者”是2024-25年度表格中引入的一个新术语.
  • A contributor is anyone who is required to provide a signature on the FAFSA form as well as provide consent and approval to have their federal tax information transferred from the IRS directly into the form via direct data exchange.
  • 这包括学生本人,也可能包括学生的配偶, 亲生父母或养父母, 或者父母的配偶(继父母).
  • Non-adoptive祖父母, 养父母, 法定监护人, 兄弟姐妹, 还有叔叔阿姨, even if they helped provide for or raise the student are not contributors
  • Contributors will receive an email informing them that they've been identified as such, and will need to log in using their own FSA ID (if they don't already have one) to provide the required information on the student's FAFSA.
  • 出资人的参与并不意味着承担财务责任.


  • Disclose their personally identifiable information (PII) provided on the FAFSA form to the IRS for matching purposes;
  • Obtain their federal tax information directly from the IRS via the direct data exchange and allow the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to use their federal tax information to determine the student’s aid eligibility. This consent also allows ED to share their federal tax information with postsecondary institutions and state higher education agencies for use in awarding and administering financial aid;
  • 如果学生或被要求的贡献者没有提供同意和批准, the student will not be eligible for federal student aid—even if they manually enter tax information into the FAFSA form.
  • Information about how federal tax information will be used and the consequences of not providing consent and approval will be included on the FAFSA form.
  • 即使学生或捐款人没有社会安全号码, 没有报税, 或在美国境外报税.S.,他们仍然需要提供同意和批准

家庭农场和小企业现在将被算作资产, 如果家庭的主要住所也位于农场,则减去其主要住所.


The 2024 - 2025年FAFSA form has been updated and the aid eligibility calculation has been revised but other aid basics remain unchanged.
